OMEGA's Model HHM61 compact DMM/AC clamp meter/digital thermometer is ideal for troubleshooting the operation of electrical resistance heaters and other plant electrical systems where a portable test instrument at an affordable price is essential.
The HHM61 measures current to 400 Aac, voltage to 750 Vac/400 Vdc and resistance to 400 Ohms. The unit also reads a type K thermocouple directly for temperature measurement over the range of -50 to 750íC
(-58 to 1400íF). Standard features include diode test, peak hold and recessed safety input jacks.
The HHM61 comes complete with test leads, type K beaded wire thermocouple, wrist strap, carrying case, battery and complete operator's manual.
Prices start at $119.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,